Monday, September 7, 2009

A Plan for Reaching the Lost through Your Congregation

It has been my priviledge to be around soul-winning Christians in the past. In Davenport, IA from January 1973 through July of 1975 over 200 were baptized. Twelve individuals, for the most part, did the evangelizing although there were many more behind the scenes supporting the effort. At River City Ministry in 2008 there were 76 baptized and in 2009 there have been 86 to date.

If there are going to be consistent conversions where you worship there will have to be a plan to do it. It must be intentional. On purpose. How? First you must "seek." Jesus came to "Seek and save the lost." (Luke 19:10) You need someone to lead this PRIMARY ministry in your church. A person with passion for the lost. A person who is willing to lead by example. For the purpose of this brief article this person will be called the Evangelism Ministry Leader (EML).

Following is an outline that might give you a plan to start:


I. Evangelism Ministry Leader (EML)
1. A person who is actively seeking the lost.
2. A person who has proven they can equip others to share the gospel.
3. A collector of contacts
All those that seek benevolent help
Non-members contacted by the hospitality/visitation group
Non-members who are married to members
Special event visitors
Names submitted by members of the congregation
Names submitted by the Office of persons interested in Bible Study.
4. Place each contact in a category
For immediate Bible Study
To be invited to a Growth Group
To be asked into someone’s home are taken out to eat
5. Make sure the office gets information on each contact that is baptized into Christ so effective after-care (discipling) can take place.

II. Team Member(s)
1. A person who is actively seeking the lost.
2. A person who is willing to study with a non-Christian
3. A person who is willing to follow-up after the study when a person is converted to Christ.

III. Congregation
1. Should be urged to “search for the lost.”
2. Will help provide the EML and Local Evangelism Group with contacts for conversion to Christ. 3. Willing to be a “silent partner” in Bible study sessions.
4. Willing to “practice hospitality” with non-Christians.

If you would like a FREE outline of a great Bible Study go to and check out the Romans Approach.